
New energy

New energy project

Name:New energy project
Valves:Pneumatic regulating valve,Pneumatic flange ball valve

New Energy( NE):Also known as unconventional energy. It refers to various forms of energy besides traditional energy. It refers to the energy that has just been exploited and utilized or is being actively studied and needs to be promoted, such as solar energy, geothermal energy, wind energy, ocean energy, biomass energy and nuclear fusion energy.

New energy sources that can form industries in China mainly include water energy (mainly small hydropower stations), wind energy, biomass energy, solar energy, geothermal energy and so on. They are clean and recyclable energy sources. The development of new energy industry is not only an effective supplementary means of the whole energy supply system, but also an important measure of environmental governance and ecological protection. It is also the final energy choice to meet the needs of sustainable development of human society.

FLOWX's pneumatic regulating valves, pneumatic ball valves and butterfly valves are commonly used in new energy projects.

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